Our participation in the “Accelera el Creixement” program

and how it has influenced the business growth of our team, the impetus it has given to the way we think and act strategically as a company. And once again, we took away a great experience from this program and from all the guests.

#AcceleraElCreixement is a program run by PIMEC and the Barcelona Provincial Council that seeks to boost the growth of small and medium enterprises with personalized support. Last Thursday, September 29th, the opening session of its 11th edition was held at the Esplanade de l’Arxiu Històric del Recinte de la Maternitat (Travessera de les Corts, 131-159, Barcelona). There were 50 SMEs selected to participate on this occasion.

This session began at 17h with a welcome by Eva Menor, President of the Area of Economic Development, Tourism and Trade of the Barcelona Provincial Council. A little later, David Giménez, who is the managing director of PIMEC, gave an explanation of how the program would proceed during the rest of the afternoon.

Our Director, Carol Carbajo, from the Talent and People department at rimsa was invited to this program to share with the audience the experience and results in her last participation in 2017 for the 6th Edition of #AcceleraElCreixement. During this hearing we put on record that the intervention in this program allowed us to improve our external and strategic vision thanks to the consultant assigned to us. This also helped us to set priorities and maximize efforts in these, as it is crucial when setting goals and doing a much more efficient and orderly work. Although rimsa as a family business and with its two product lines was already stable, we were able to obtain a new medium and long-term focus to successfully continue our transformation process.

From this point on, we prioritized 4 lines for rimsa’s business growth, namely increasing marketing and sales activities, expanding markets and projects, making innovation profitable and, finally, increasing knowledge management. Since then, we have been able to enter into a greater digitalization process and we have also managed to build a consolidated management layer that has allowed us to professionalize the company. Not only did we improve these points, but in our marketing department we also carried out a complete rebranding, as well as a change to a more interactive website, with better content and greater presence in social networks. Thanks to this we have marketing policies with clearer objectives and orderly, clear and efficient functions, working more and more in rimsa as an innovative company.

rimsa – people rethinking solutions, today has become a business where we try to locate the pains and concerns of the market to solve them in the best way, so we classify, analyze and work on possible solutions for the future, becoming a trusted company for our customers. In rimsa we place ourselves as a family company, an SME of medium size in terms of turnover and small at the same time, pertinently to be a total of less than 50 workers, belonging to 99% of micro, small and medium enterprises that are composed in the business fabric of Catalonia. We continue to move forward as a team with a great spirit of growth and looking to the future in the most appropriate way possible.

Finally, at 17:45 in the afternoon, a networking workshop was held during the session by Monica Mendoza, nominated as one of the Top 100 Speakers Spain (Thinking Heads) in the category of marketing and sales.