Dock pavements without steel mesh

rimsa collaborates in port paving works in Spain

In recent years Rimsa has collaborated successfully in the construction of pavements in several ports in Spain, among which stand out: port of Algeciras, port of Huelva, port of Malaga, port of Barcelona and port of Pasaia among others.

Steel fibre reinforced concrete (HRFA), the use of which is covered by Annex 14 to the EHE, has been used for many years as a solution in the construction of pavements. It is a material that achieves a mechanical resistance similar to that of reinforced concrete in a traditional way but better controls cracking and other advantages.

The possible appearance of cracks due to retraction is avoided by means of cutting joints with a maximum depth of 1/3 of the thickness of the slab. The size of the pads delimited by the gaskets is usually about 5 m x 5 m

The reference R GLUED 60/0.75 allows the total replacement of the traditional assembly in the case of port pavements.

Advantages of using steel fibres

– They improve the ductility. The steel fibres sew the cracks of the concrete into a “bridge”, allowing a controlled formation of the cracks, and leading the concrete to a ductile behavior after the initial cracking, thus preventing brittle breakage.

– There are no faults or weak points in the armor and the mechanical behaviour to the stresses is the same in all directions.

  • Increase abrasion resistance due to reduced cracking.
  • They control the opening of cracks by preventing water entry and corrosion. Erosion resistance is also improved.
  • They improve tensile strength, bending and cutting, producing an increase in load bearing capacity.
  • They grant additional resistance capacity due to the redistribution of the plastic moment in the case of localized demands.
  • High resilience (energy absorption capacity on impact).
  • Dynamic fatigue resistance.
  • Reduction of execution times.
  • Increase the durability of concrete.
  • Elimination of the risks of a bad placement of the traditional assembly, with an agile and simple application.

Fibers GLUED vs Loose Fibers Reasons why it is recommended to use bonded fibers

  • They allow greater ease in mixing with concrete.
  • They allow a dosage greater than 30 kg / m3.
  • No hedgehogs are formed.
  • They allow a homogeneous distribution, within the concrete matrix. 
  • Immediate dissolution of the tail on contact with water at the initial moment of kneading.
  • They allow to achieve a smaller distance between fibers within the network that is formed in the matrix.
  • They allow a smaller dispersion within the concrete, giving it greater performance.
  • They are more slender, which allows a greater amount of fibers / kg.


Reference r glued 60/0.75 is served in 20 kg bags. 1,200 kg pallets and / or big bags.


In concrete plant or through conveyor belt directly to the concrete mixer truck.

Ductility of the concrete

Ductility is the property that some materials have in being able to deform when subjected to intense stress. This property is useful in engineering, since it allows to design safe structures.

With high dosages, it is possible to obtain a reinforced concrete with completely ductile steel fibers, with the capacity to withstand load similar to that of traditional reinforced concrete. The concrete formula is developed so that it is easily pumpable.

On the other hand, when a material does not have this ductility property, it breaks or breaks in the load limit, causing in some cases a catastrophic rupture, without experiencing any type of plastic deformation. A clear example is concrete.

To combat this problem of concrete fracture, a metal mesh was usually incorporated as a structural base. The placement of the mesh generally represented an increase in the term and cost of the work, due to the placement and welding of the mesh.

The following graph shows a diagram of the total time spent in a construction, divided into the different stages. The placement of the reinforcement mesh represents 13% of the time invested in a work and the assembly in general represents 22%.

Fibers that represent a structural function should not be used in dosages less than 20 Kg / m3 and also not greater than 1.5% of the volume of concrete.

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