Quality and environment policy

The rimsa Management defines its Quality and Environment Policy as an integral part of the general Policy of the company, and undertakes to guarantee and disseminate its full compliance by the entire Organization.

For this, it has implemented an Integrated Management System based on the requirements of the ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 standards, by which it undertakes to:


Promote innovation from the management by empowering other levels in decision-making, establishing quick win objectives and systematizing the generation and management of ideas for a stable development of value products and services.


Strictly comply with current regulations and legal requirements that affect all areas of the company.

Promote a global and highly innovative company, supported by a team prepared for it, technically, functionally and personally, and adapted to the policies established for innovation in all areas.


Communicate the objectives and indicators defined in the Integrated Management System to all company personnel in order to commit and get involved in achieving them.

Establish a methodology for the evaluation and control of risks and opportunities, as well as environmental aspects that allows the continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the management system implemented


Develop our activity in a way that contributes to the protection of the environment and prevention of pollution, minimizing possible environmental impacts.

Undertake actions aimed at developing and managing the talent of our team, which allow us to achieve our objectives, in order to provide added value to our partners, in an excellent work environment.


Constantly promote Lean management of the Organization’s processes to ensure that our processes meet the highest standards of efficiency and quality.


Promote the culture of Lean Management, to increase agility in innovation and decision-making, thus reducing the fear of failure and guaranteeing to go one step ahead in the technological and market changes that are taking place.