rimsa has been awarded the Innovative SME seal since 2019

rimsa among the 0.0036% of companies that have the Innovative SME seal of approval

Of the more than 1,300,000 companies in Spain that are SMEs, only 0.0036% of these are recognized with the Innovative SME seal. rimsa has had this certification for 4 years now, having been renewed in 2022. This certificate supports our commitment to innovation and the development of our research in the R+D+i department.

It is paramount to give this kind of boost to SMEs, as they are a very important factor in the country’s economic activity and will become a great impetus for the digital transformation, modernization and ecological transition of our business community, stimulating our capacity for innovation.

This seal, in addition, grants tax incentives to carry out in a lighter way in companies, those investments that are made in innovation:

On the one hand, it makes compatible incentives that are not compatible for the rest of the companies:

  • Social Security bonuses for Research personnel: it reduces by 40% the contribution of common contingencies of the Social Security of the researchers in staff.
  • Tax Deductions for R+D+i: that allow to reduce the Corporate Tax up to 42% of the investment made in R+D and up to 12% of the investment made in Technological Innovation (TI).

On the other hand, they also obtain access to certain aids, financing or mechanisms for which the seal is necessary, such as participation in Public Procurement of Innovation tenders, or the ICO financing line.

Requirements for obtaining the Innovative SME seal of approval

Having received public funding in the last three years without having been cancelled or paused.

  • Public calls within the framework of the VI National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation or the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation.
  • Grants for carrying out R&D&I projects,
  • Calls of the 7th Framework Program for R+D+i, or the Horizon 2020 Program of the European Union.

To have demonstrated its innovative character through its own activity:

  • For having an own patent in exploitation in a period not exceeding five years prior to the exercise of the bonus right.
  • For having obtained, because it has obtained in the last 3 years a favorable Binding Reasoned Report or BMI.

To have demonstrated its capacity for innovation, by means of one of the following official certifications recognized by MINECO:

  • Young Innovative Enterprise (JEI), according to AENOR specification EA 0043.
  • Small or Micro Innovative Company, according to AENOR specification EA 0047.
  • Certification according to UNE 166.002 “R&D&I Management System”.