Stop Green Washing and take honest environmental responsibility

The European Commission has presented a new proposal for measures to combat greenwashing and misleading environmental information and thus provide consumers with better quality information to enable them to choose more environmentally friendly products and services. These proposals complement the 2022 initiatives, which aim to make products more sustainable and promote circular business models.

Our vision

As a company committed to sustainability and the environment, we welcome with interest these proposals from the European Commission as we understand the importance of providing our customers with truthful information backed by scientific evidence on the real environmental impact of our products.

It is relevant to mention that a study conducted by the Commission revealed that more than 50% of the environmental claims investigated in the European Union were vague, misleading or unsubstantiated. To solve this problem, a proposal was created focused on explicit claims made voluntarily by companies, which must be based on scientific evidence and verified by independent third parties.

As a result, labels must be solid, reliable, transparent and periodically reviewed. And we at rimsa are prepared to adapt to the proposed rules and ensure that our labels comply with the new regulations and standards set by the European Commission.

We also support financial support and technical assistance for micro-enterprises and agree to apply these measures to companies outside the European Union that make environmental claims to EU consumers.

In conclusion, we at rimsa support the European Commission’s proposal and are ready to contribute to building a more environmentally committed market.