The return to our facilities

After several weeks in quarantine due to the circumstances caused by the covid-19, part of our team was exercising its tasks through home-office. Today we are pleased to announce that starting Monday, May 11, we begin a de-escalation plan that will allow us to reinstate our team in their jobs, thus entering the new normality progressively and with all the guarantees.

In addition to establishing rotating schedules to avoid buses, reducing the working day in the offices to 5 hours and thus ensuring that the established safety distance is respected, we have designed an action protocol that must be followed step by step in order to protect the health and well-being of all:

  1. A complete symptom questionnaire will be provided to the entire Team to confirm their health status.
  2. Screens have been installed throughout the office to guarantee the minimum safety distance of two meters, in accordance with the recommendations of the health authorities.
  3. We set up a space at the entrance of our offices to make use of specific footwear within our offices.
  4. The signing will be done digitally through the application created for this purpose.
  5. Before starting the workday, the work area should be cleaned with a specific product provided.
  6. We locate automatic dispensers of hydroalcoholic gel at strategic points and we deliver a screen for each member of the Team and reusable, double-layer FFP2 masks.
  7. We recommend the use of latex gloves throughout the working day, being mandatory for the handling of documentation. Hand cleaning should be regular and you should avoid touching your face at all times.
  8. Face-to-face meetings are restricted, being only allowed in an emergency and with prior authorization. In this case, the safety distance of 2 meters will be maintained and the use of EPIS by both parties is mandatory.
  9. The protocols for loading and unloading of materials, as well as the delivery / collection of documentation, remain active. There will be a daily cleaning and disinfection of the area enabled for the reception of documentation and / or parcels.
  10. It is not allowed to use the changing rooms to shower until further notice.
  11. The use of common areas (dining room, changing rooms and toilets) requires the use of gloves and masks. The confluence of more than 3 people at the same time is not allowed, so the established rest shifts must be respected. Common areas require cleaning before and after use.
  12. Help yourself with the informative signage located in the different points of rimsa to remember the regulations to follow.
  13. At the end of the working day, the offices will be disinfected.

We must not forget that we are still in a premature stage and that this adaptation process is a joint effort, and therefore the responsibility falls on all of us. #rimsaON