We are participating in Asia Brake 2023

rimsa participates in asia brake 2023

This event was created with the intention of having a forum for professionals to address changes in the braking industry and provide a space to share their ideas. We are therefore delighted to be able to participate once again on behalf of rimsa and to present for the first time our partner: Innovamat, in order […]

rimsa has been awarded the Innovative SME seal since 2019

rimsa among the 0.0036% of companies that have the Innovative SME seal of approval Of the more than 1,300,000 companies in Spain that are SMEs, only 0.0036% of these are recognized with the Innovative SME seal. rimsa has had this certification for 4 years now, having been renewed in 2022. This certificate supports our commitment […]

rimsa reduces its carbon footprint by 42%.

We have been hearing for years about climate change and the problem it is causing for the world, so sustainability is an issue that affects everyone and is something that businesses, governments and citizens need to be concerned about. Scientists mentioned that the main cause of global warming is human activities and the associated energy […]

Is the construction sector in trouble or does it have new opportunities?

This malpractice is in constant conflict with the ups and downs of the raw materials market and is also a major environmental problem. One possible solution is the implementation of the industrial model called circular economy. This new way of doing business is gaining importance in modern industry because it represents an improvement in all […]

Our participation in the “Accelera el Creixement” program

and how it has influenced the business growth of our team, the impetus it has given to the way we think and act strategically as a company. And once again, we took away a great experience from this program and from all the guests. #AcceleraElCreixement is a program run by PIMEC and the Barcelona Provincial […]

New solutions to reduce road-transport emissions

According to the current publications of the PMP-group (Particle Measurement Program), today’s foundation brake systems emit more than 10 mg per km of fine dust in the size of PM10. The first approach toward regulation of Brake Emissions by PMP under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) is ongoing and reduces this amount […]

SAE Brake Colloquium & Exhibition 2022

It’s a pleasure to be able to present to the friction material industry the solutions offered by rimsa, also through our Innovamat joint venture, to help the industry overcome present and future challenges. On behalf of Innovamat we will showcase the results of some of our lines of research, which address precisely some of these […]

Lion HD Project

– What problems come to solve the electrification of the fleet. Greenhouse gas emissions are growing daily due to industrialization and the burning of fossil fuels in both industry and vehicles. Among the gases that cause this effect, the greatest contribution is due to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.In this sense, the electrification of the mobile […]

How limitation on brake emissions by Euro 7 may affect the friction industry?

In the context of the Green Deal and the objectives of “carbon neutrality” and “zero pollution”, the European Commission has committed to reducing current emission limits, from all sources. Brake wear is a significant contributor to respirable particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), particularly in areas with high traffic density and frequent braking, and up to […]

ACEA proposals for Euro 7 and Euro VII emission standards

In a communication to the European Commission in June 2021, ACEA suggested an approach forsingle step Euro 7/VII proposals that are proportional to what is needed to help meet the objectives of the Green Deal. This involves distinct Euro 7 and Euro VII regulations (addressing the characteristics of passenger cars and light vans, as well […]