rimsa enlarges its collaborations in different associations and working groups

It is inevitable to think of innovation, and not to think of cooperation. These are two words that are aligned for our company. We believe that, to advance science, and in our sector, you cannot research or work in isolation. That is why we have built a solid innovation ecosystem that includes clients, R&D centers, suppliers and colleagues in the profession. All with the same common interest: creating value for all the industries we serve.

Belonging to these associations and organizations not only provide us with advantages in the field of innovation, but also in others such as: advice, conflict resolution, promotion, training or networking.

La Asociación Española de Pavimentos Continuos (AEPC) is an association that defends ideals very similar to those of rimsa, among which safety, quality and integrity in relation to the construction of pavements stand out. Among all the services they offer, being a publication of a technical nature, this factor increases the visibility of our company in the construction market. In addition, they offer tax advice, promoting good practices so that unfair competition does not occur.

La Agrupación de Empresas de Movilidad Eléctrica y Entorno Sostenible (AEMES) It is a project of Aeball / Umpball, which, in the same way that we, fights for a more sustainable and efficient economic activity, with the priority of reducing polluting gases. Apart from this, this group aims to weave strategic alliances, and respond to training, human and technological needs of companies. Therefore, it aims to provide all the facilities for companies in the sector to carry out, in the fastest way, an ecological transformation.

La Asociación Empresarial de l’Hospitalet de Llobregat y el Baix Llobregat (Aeball), and la Unión Patronal Metalúrgica de L’Hospitalet y el Baix Llobregat (Umpball) are a business organization representing, managing, defending, coordinating and promoting the professional interests of companies that carry out economic activities of a metallurgical nature.

El Clúster de Materiales Avanzados de Cataluña (MAV) promotes initiatives aimed at boosting the materials business, stimulating and exploiting synergies between members and related sectors. To carry out these objectives, they have strategic lines that are based on: uniting agents of the ecosystem, disseminating knowledge with maximum transparency, supporting incubation and entrepreneurship, positioning members in a regional, national and international market .

All these associations provide us with information and knowledge to continue growing at a professional level, and propel rimsa towards a more positive future, at the hands of technology and ecology.

Even so, we must also mention the excellent work done by other institutions such as PIMEC and CEAM (Centros de Estudios y Asesoramiento Metalúrgico). This first is the most representative employer confederation of micro, small and medium-sized companies, and the self-employed in Catalonia. In this way, the main objective is to protect the interests and defend these companies by creating a favorable competitive environment.
El Centro de Estudios y Asesoramiento Metalúrgico (CEAM) it has a very similar objective, but in the metallurgy sector. It focuses its activity on the preparation and dissemination of strategic information, organization of events that promote networking, and advice and promotion of member companies.
We are proud to continue growing hand in hand with these institutions that provide opportunities and make the market a little fairer.