rimsa joins the work of the “La Brúixola” project of Cáritas

The intention of the La Brúixola project is to support young students, with the aim of providing tools and working on skills and strategies, both emotionally and at school level.

Caritas strives every day to offer a daily meal to these young people, as well as an informal space in which they feel comfortable and can be guided to develop habits and attitudes. They work on their personal and academic training, reinforcing those subjects or aspects that they need.

This year rimsa collaborates with the association to be able to accompany these young people in the adolescence stage, and contribute that grain of sand. On May 13, a meeting will be held with 8 students in person and with all the specific security measures.

The event will be held in our co-working room where our mission will be to explain what we do and what we do, convey to them the humble origins on which rimsa is based, and instill in them the importance of daily motivation in order to achieve our goals.

The meeting will last 30 minutes. Between the line-up, we will present ourselves and present success stories of our company to highlight values ​​such as perseverance and effort. In addition, we will also meet these young people, their concerns and aspirations, their vision of the future and their motivations.

Inclusion and diversity are two values ​​that Caritas promotes, and with which rimsa feels identified. These small actions are what help to continue promoting, inside and outside our organization, and that make us grow on a personal and professional level.