Fiber-reinforced concrete pavements: the invisible solution for light traffic

Fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) has become a popular choice for light-traffic pavements. Thanks to the fibers, these pavements are stronger, more durable, and easier to construct. What benefits does FRC offer, and how can it help optimize the performance and lifespan of your paving projects?

Types of fibers for light-traffic pavements

There are different types of fibers for fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC), each with specific characteristics:

  • Synthetic fibers: Affordable, lightweight, and resistant to cracking.
  • Steel fibers: High tensile strength.
  • Glass fibers: Impact and corrosion resistant.

Why use fibers in pavements?

Fibers in light-traffic pavements offer multiple advantages:

  • Economic benefits: FRC provides greater durability and requires less maintenance, reducing long-term costs. Additionally, it enables significant savings on materials and labor, optimizing investment in each project.
  • Technical benefits: Thanks to its quick application and simple construction process, FRC speeds up project timelines. Its versatility allows adaptation to different designs, while its enhanced properties improve the mechanical strength of concrete, increasing structural performance.
  • Environmental benefits: This material contributes to sustainability by reducing energy consumption for lighting and minimizing the “heat island” effect in urban environments. Its durability and the possibility of incorporating recycled materials make it an eco-friendly option.
  • Safety & comfort: FRC provides a surface with good traction and low noise levels for vehicles, improving the driving experience. It also enhances pedestrian safety by offering greater stability and reducing the risk of slips.
  • Aesthetic benefits: Its ability to adapt to different finishes allows for greater customization in pavement design. Moreover, its resistance to stains and spills ensures a cleaner, more durable appearance over time.


FRC is an excellent choice for various light-traffic areas, as it combines strength, durability, and easy maintenance. Its versatility makes it ideal for multiple applications, including:

  • Retail & Logistics: Pavements in supermarkets, shopping centers, and warehouses; loading and unloading zones; storage and distribution areas.
  • Other applications: Pavements in educational, healthcare, and sports facilities; urban and rural roads, including bike lanes; rehabilitation of existing pavements; parking areas and bus platforms; parks, plazas, fairgrounds, and more.

Factors to consider for Design

When designing FRC pavements for light traffic, it is important to consider:

  • Regulations & recommendations: There are few specific regulations for FRC pavements with light traffic. For AADT < 50, the Concrete Pavement Manual for Low-Intensity Traffic Roads by IECA can be consulted. This manual focuses on jointed, unreinforced concrete but provides useful information on:
    ○ Subgrade quality: Classified into three categories (S0, S1, S3) based on CBR and compressibility.
    ○ Traffic level: Considers AADT, vehicle types, and project lifespan.
    ○ Concrete type: Recommended flexural strength of 3.5-4 MPa.
    ○ Pavement thickness: Determined based on the above factors, typically ranging from 15-25 cm.
    ○ Joint design: Proper joint design should be considered, even with fiber reinforcement.
  • Microfibers: Microfibers (diameter < 0.30 mm) can be used as an alternative to traditional reinforcement to control shrinkage cracking. Dosage typically ranges from 0.6-2 kg/m³, depending on climatic conditions.
  • Macrofibers: If structural reinforcement is required, macrofibers of different materials can be used. Dosage varies by material (3-6 kg/m³ for polymeric fibers, 20-30 kg/m³ for steel fibers).
  • Rehabilitation: For pavement rehabilitation, the Guide for Concrete Overlay Systems by ACPA can be consulted.

Factors to consider for Construction

To ensure the proper application of FRC, it is important to:

  • Uniform distribution of fibers: Achieve a good mix, transportation, and placement of the fibers.
  • Fiber selection: Choose the type of fiber based on the function, environment, and concrete to be used in the project (e.g., strength class, aggregate size).
  • Concrete consistency: Maintain an appropriate Abrams cone for workability.
  • Good construction practices: The use of fibers does not compensate for poor construction practices.

Execution on site

The pouring of concrete can be done directly or with mechanical means. Segregation should be avoided, and the appropriate hose should be selected if pumping. Spreading and compaction are done with vibrating screeds, taking care not to over-vibrate.

Final texture and curing

FRC is compatible with various finishes, such as polishing, troweling, and stamping. Proper spreading and compaction help prevent fibers from rising to the surface. Minimizing fiber exposure is a key factor in the development of new macrofiber products, as it leads to better aesthetic finishes. In cases where fibers do appear, polymeric fibers disappear over time, and steel fibers are less prone to surface exposure. It is recommended to use low doses of short fibers for better finishes.

Characterization of fiber-reinforced concrete

The effectiveness of the fibers is measured by flexural tensile strength (fLOP) and residual strengths (fR1, fR3), according to the UNE-EN 14651 standard.

Success stories

At Rimsa, we have participated in fiber-reinforced pavement projects for light traffic in various sectors:

  • Retail Logistics: Aldi supermarkets, Mercadona supermarkets, Hipercor, Super.
  • Sports: Villasevil Sports Center.

In summary, fiber-reinforced concrete pavements are an ideal solution for light traffic, offering strength, durability, and ease of construction. By selecting the right fiber and the correct dosage, high-performance, low-maintenance pavement is ensured. Contact us for more information and to find the best solution for your project.

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